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8 Ways to Maximize Webinar Attendance

Article gives tips to increase webinars attendance


Webinars are engaging lead generation tools that do not just drive sales but establishes your organization as the thoughtful one in the target market. Webinars are easy to host. However, ensuring maximum webinar attendance takes effort and time. Imagine spending a lot of time and investing a lot in advertising only to get a handful of attendees at your webinar event.

It is discouraging and disheartening at the same time.  promoting your webinar is not a hard task but reassuring the participants to attend it is the real game.

Some practices and strategies focus on maximizing sign-ups or registrations but how will registrations benefit you if there are no attendees at the time of the webinar? When leads, prospects, and potential customers attend webinars to gain a brand’s knowledge, you have a real-time chance to engage with them.

Webinars help a brand to build long-term customer relations. Hosting a webinar can be a milestone in any business’s journey but how will it be considered as a success if you fail to maximize webinar attendance?

We all know how there are thousands of webinar invitations rotting in our mail inboxes. For instance, even if you manage to beat all other invitations, how will you convince the attendee to be there if he barely has time for himself? Fortunately, we have every tip that you should know if you are a webinar host. Not only will they help you but will also make your webinar a huge success.

Offer Compelling, Actionable and High-Quality Content to Attendees

A webinar is only successful if the topic is strong. An irrelevant topic means a bunch of attendees only. No one wishes to sit in a webinar just so he could go through your commercial advertisements again and again. people attend webinars to gain knowledge and to know more about your brand’s objectives and beliefs. A webinar is never about your brand but about the knowledge, you can bestow to the attendees.

With all the webinar invitations, make sure to emphasize more on the topic you are going to discuss. Ensure that your webinar’s topic is relevant and makes sense to the audience.

If you are still unsure, make sure to observe user and website analytics and see what part of your brand catches your audience’s attention the most. An interesting topic could help you generate more leads and prospects on the way.

Choose a topic that you can align with your content strategy. Other than that, target the pain point of the audience. the audience wants to hear what’s going on in their mind. Choose a credible speaker who is confident, credible, and can handle the field-related questions for your brand.

Take Care of the Time Limit

An ideal webinar lasts for about half an hour. The maximum time to drag your webinar is 45 minutes and not more than that. Having your attendees commit for an hour is nearly impossible. People are too busy nowadays and they want everything as brief as possible.

However, do not skip thee questions and answers session as it is where you can identify customers’ issues and queries regarding your brand.

( Also Read: 17 Tips for Hosting an Effective Virtual Conference )

Send Reminder Emails

People usually register and then forget about the webinar when the day comes. Ensure to remind them again and again by emailing them. Send out at least 2 or 3 reminder emails about the webinar when the date is near.

We recommend sending the first reminder a week before, a second reminder a day before, and the third reminder just when it is about to begin.

The reminder emails can be automated easily by using any webinar or email automation tool.

Offer an ‘Appreciation Gift’ to Attendees

Encourage Attendees to Give Feedback

Attendees’ feedback is as valuable as your customers. Engage with the attendees right after the webinar and have them fill out a survey.

The attendees’ feedback will not only facilitate revenue but will also help in hosting a webinar better next time.


Webinar attendance is necessary if your ultimate goal is to build customer relations. Do not get disheartened if you could not maximize the attendance. Not many will show but will still end up to be your customers.

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